Partyline Ads for Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (2025)

ATTENTION LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS!TNT Rendering, Inc. has been servicing the livestock industry for over 15 years with customer service as our TOP priority! Please give us a call today for all of your rendering needs. We would love the opportunity to serve you!
Call/TextTyler at 402-929-1566

Help Wanted: needing to hire a CDL Class A driver to haul grain locally- you will be home every night!

Help Wanted: The Ainsworth Golf Course is seeking a Clubhouse Manager for the 2025 Golf Season–The Clubhouse Manager will be responsible for all aspects of the clubhouse including but not limited to: placing orders, managing and training employees, preparing meals, hosting social and golfing events. Manager must be self-motivated, organized, a team player and willing to work nights, weekends and holidays. Resumes can be sent to: Ainsworth Golf Course, 208 East South Street, Ainsworth, NE 69210.
If you have any questions or for more information call Calista at 402-382-8212 or Todd at 402-760-1183.

FOR RENT—- for the 2025 season- 6 irrigated quarters powered by diesel and electric with 500 acres dryland and grain storage—located Northwest of the stone windmill.
Call: 402-681-9259.

Wanting to buy a– “good used semi automatic 12 gauge shotgun.”
Please call Randy at: 402-416-5204

Partyline Ads for Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (1)

For Sale – Eskimo Wide 1 Thermal 1 person flip shelter. Insulated, expandable front with runners, rod holders and rod rack. $200.00
Call: 402 336-8797

For Sale: H&S FW20 hay/silage feeder. Used one season, great condition.
Inquires may call or text 340-6900.

For sale: 4 by 8 trailer with lights and spare tire 400 or best offer also 6 by 12 trailer for atv 2019 year very good condition. Also for sale rebuilt jeep engine 4 .0 6 cylinder engine also jeep automatic transmission and transfer case front jeep seats. Also have winch 12 000 pound and all the wiring to hook up,Call: (402) 340-6856

Young farm family Looking for pastureto rent for 50 to 75 pair.Call or text James402-649-1105

Partyline Ads for Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (2)

For sale: 2004 430 Farm Aid Mixer wagon in very nice condition. Has always been shedded. Has new chains, belts, and also has poly liner in the tub. It has always had proper maintenance done to it. Only reason for selling is we’re upgrading. Asking $16,000 OBO.
Call402-583-9901 for more information.

For Sale: 10 cow/calf pairs and 30 bred cows-will start calving 1stof April. Will sell at the Creighton Livestock on Tuesday.
Call: 402-336-9953.

For sale:Like new Rowse three-point single bale fork, $1,000 obo; 2006 Kawaski KFX 400, green in color, and runs well, $3,000 obo.
Call or text402-340-5315

For Sale: a BRAND NEW- 8 quart instant pot, a Samsung 50 inch smart TV, a Generac cold water pressure washer with 2800 psi, 5 pieces of 3 foot long 6 inch double wall stove pipe, 1- tire sized 235-70-R15, and 1 tire sized 225- 70-R15. Call: 402-336-8555.

For Sale: John Deere Power Units: 2- 4045D and 1- 6068D, murphys, clutches, radiators, and generator mounts. Call: 402-340-3453.

For sale: Lawn mower shed, asking $100, bottom of the walls need some work, has a good roof.
Call 402-394-1414

For sale: Box of around 18 Native American headdresses by the Bradford Display and come with a big dream catcher, asking $100 for all of it. All in perfect condition. Call 402-336-7431

80th Birthday Card Shower
Everett Stewart Birthday is January 22
1000 2nd Street
Newport, NE 68759

Want: Couple of helpers to unload a uhaul at Central Nebraska Community Services on Friday, January 17 at 8:30 am..takes about 45 minutes.
Call 402-336-4298 extension 503

Want: Pair of license plates from Boyd County or any counties in the area.
Call 402-670-1769

To giveaway: White husky dog with blue eyes, male, has been fixed and is microchipped. Is housetrained.
Call 402-857-0029

To giveaway: assortment of cats in all sizes.
Call 402-336-8519

For Sale: Star Wars figurines – a whole box full for $50. Call: 402-620-1959.

For Sale: 2 boxes of clay pigeons, 135 count, $14.00 a box. 1 box of 90 for $10.00; For Sale: Little boys black tuxedo. Size 18 mo. Jacket, pants, shirt, vest, suspenders and bow tie. $10.00 Please call or text 402-336-7770

Birthday Card Shower request! Happy 95thBirthday to Jackie Rohde (Road-y). cards can be sent to Jackie Rohde
Parkside Manor
607 North Main Street
Stuart, NE 68780

To Give Away—a refrigerator, call: 402-893-2696.

For sale: men’s size 3x brown Key work coat. Very little wear. Zipper works and no rips or tears. Has a couple of very small ink pen like stains that aren’t noticeable. $30
Call: (402) 340-4093

O’Neill Electric Motor Services is hosting a retirement reception for Roger Miller on Friday, January 24th. It will be in the back room of Handlebend from 4PM-7PM. Please join them if you can!

Partyline Ads for Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (2025)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.