THE PORT HURON TBIES-HERALD Saturday, September 10, 1927. Page Terr FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Something New To Tag! BLOSSEB i i i i i THE ST AMXRICAX OTKU5 OF 1928 17 ft COMAvJS732S, "SJiSiS VAXS IT LOTS AM JTTS Or IT SPACES I' SO CM AV, TMAKSrlT i aSSCl Klr VWAfiLASSOF 6000-6BB! X. tv Vl i I Considering American r.ove!s pubilsh-d from August. 12. to August.
19i7, two standi out so that I am obliged to bracket thm for firs', pace. These arc Her Pon' Wire." by Dorothy Canfield and 'The Blulocrat." by Booth Tarkiny.on. I am in chrono'oylcal alphabetical order. Bth are purely American In plot and character, ar.d ecb is not only the latest, but clearly the beet work cf It author. They euccessf compete not n'y with eontemporary American novels, but with that most formidable of all rirala.
their from the same n. The rwt-et of all triumphs la to defeat tne'i own past. "Hr Son's Wife" Is rJl about her eon's mother, and a rernaritabia po't of analysis. This la the true realism, which V.r-n bScw the surfara of life, and pne-l-aes the regions of the Hre are "'the intellectual ap- roaeh'i to action." the faint wn of emo-wj Detroit School the spring or conduct, wnxn me the reader to perceive Perore itey are lice-crirae-rnystery yarns that have appeared during the past year I particularly recommend "The Canary Murder Case," by S. S.
Van Dine. rhor era rrir-; oz G. A. R. Commander To Lead Thinning Ranks In Parade In the bcutvisry torr ether w.ria.
tU stated. lauoa wtll continue. If the census Is a. Indlrstlen. Census Indicates Population Boost an routine, eudnly discover, in r.ildil at hr r- "vie and personal mart be reconstruct orj V.wLJ.
VvhV home one Cay ni her in --e haU s'-e th ar.d 3 mi'V. i'j 3 "ron fose for a trained oolo-3t can from 7.. cf animal, mo an experienced form the hat of an unseen woman, c-wnniruci 1 r--. woman of rr: tb er- 'it" aa a er.hool-teacher, noui. If Ja only proieasionaxsy, that Mn.
Ba-- the was forthcotn-lnr. The ridiculous aide of Karl Tinker abundantly manifest hear him :r.fing in the mokin-room" But h. bof'oonery, liite Elizabethan buffoonery, ia a reaction against the serious problems he ha had to face. We see him on a vacation, and he means to enjoy himself, succeeding in that as in every other undertaking. His giant powers of construction make him loom up amon those African mtive like an old Roman, sure of himself.
That to the Romans is one of the happiest remarks in the book. the beautiful continental rtd venturers, vho had no difficulty deceivim? the sophisticated N'ew i'ork playwright, did not capture Oven an outpost in the mind of the mighty Tinker. That resounding clap on the back, with which their acquaintance ended, was a master H.yilZ "times f. Comedians" is much the best novel that I have read by Ellen Glaajow; here the satire Is keen, bat Implied and never obtrusive; those who need it moat will perhaps cot heed it. for there's no fool like aa old one.
"The Story of a Wonder Man." by Ring Lardner. abounds in delightful burlesque and disarming humor it has also plenty of significance, though inferior to the best of his short utories. like "The Champion" and "Zone of Quiet." ifrs. Rineharf "Lost Ecstacy" Is by far the best thing of hers that I have seen; it indicates not only her usual powers of plot construction and narration, but an ambition to aim at something higher than entertainment. It whew my appetite for her next book.
The same thing may be said of "Immortal Longings." by Ben Ames Williams, another conqueror of the magazines. This story of the Maine farm has genuine power. In the large number of detective-po- com i'. four; s'' fro: 1 live frrrt i.f, ii 1 fr i honor and remember them.0" By The Associated Press) Grand Rapids, Sept. 10.
Frank W. Walsh of Milwaukee will lead the time-riddled ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic in convention and parade at the annual national encampment in Grand Rapids Sept. 11-16. Walsh was elected national commander at the Des Moines encampment last year. With soldierly firmne he repeats the nxlom of the G.
A. "There will be an organization as long a two of us are alive." Bank Bookkeeper Gets Probation In Embezzlement By Th Preu) Monroe. Sept. 10. Arthur Klrby.
17, former assistant cashier and bookkeeper for the Monroe State Savings bank Friday was placed on probation for forty month, when he pleaded guilty to embezzling $2.00 of the bank's funds. Sentence was passed by Circuit Judge J. M. Sampson of Adrian, after Klrby had promised to pay 125 monthly to the bank for lost interest during the term of probation. It was announced that settlement had heen made with the bank to cover the ehortsg.
(Py The AwoclsteJ Pree Detroit. Sept. 10 Detroit's population has reached 1.43S.JTI. as compared with 1.34&.44S In llli. according to an estimate by the Board of Education here.
The total Increase is SS tit. The total school census tsken June 1 shows S53.57S as compared with 140.111 In according to the report. The population of the city by wards shows an increase of 6.S per cent for the west side and 4.5 per cent for the east side. A decrease of 5. SSI In the census of the Twelfth ward was caused by the changes made by the city Grand Trunk Bargain Excursion to Niagara Falls See Page 2 Those who hat reviewed St unfavorably have probably not read It.
It abound in humor, in shrewd of varloun type of hum. anitj-, in adventure trasif, cr.rtiff? and -usd- crni m.d It pr-sientii a con'jwi imf fiT a Superman of in whom thore Is r.othimr sinister. IS i a mountain of genlaiif y. Furthermore, in the rnarriare of hi daughter to the youn? playwriKht. we have the union of two farnlli'" v.ho r-pre-m-til imn! fer more anta.tonia tic than fa-nlly feud, utr-h a t-ffd In "Com'o end Juliet" nd In iler.t u'-lt y.
It v.h a clever ld-a lntad a novl to at-Irlse hg or one to satirize the to brlf.ff repre-entsitlve of caf-h eta into the same novel and to draw them grad-iinlly tfiscthfr, Thli took ekiil. and Tuberculosis amonjr Eskimos Is prevalent because of crowded conditions in their homes. stroke. "TwiliKht Sleep," by Edith Whar cn'y i orjai rrr. rrv ny anoth'-r hi been, an-i h-.
it i or'y the actor rho 'i rron ii ral-fortrfi and wf a r-i-i tr.e avdince; le ar i the r. I tisan or won. 4ft r.i-i in to have Jf if d-r on 1n' all and energy. IVhV r. fj that msi-fy ef htn rre el (n r-citr I i r.
an I f'i' Vi-ork. 'rl i a itood thlri! in X'mrTt, and It i ff'rj lh po-aib' ex fr-rri "The r-. 4 coreoin booK. I n- net a one who I i r-ii 1 it v. h'.
i nut en J--el if ton. and -The Old Countess," by Anne Scdewirk, are of course ad mirable novels. I way course' because the two writers stand in the front rank of living novelists and could not write anything aible. Hut "Twilight Sleep" Is not so good a "The Ago of Innocence, and "Til" Old Counte" is not so good a "Adrienne Toner" or "The l.irtie Trench Girl." Both Edith barton and Anne Sedgwick com mand a prose style marked by such precision, dignity and elegance that it is a pleasure to read; such writ-' lng adds distinction to American GLASS literature. But the Inevitable ac Announcin lditv, which in Mr.
Wharton's best work, is a preservative and tonic flavor, is here rather overdone and almost degenerates in downright exaggeration: though I admit that FOR THAT SEDAN DOOR OR WINDSHIELD Don't worry, drive up and see us. We will fix it while you wait. We straighten out the bumps in your fender or body. PANEL TRUCK BODIES BUILT TO YOUR ORDER us your plan we Ho the r-p-t. the thing and the characters sne satirizes deserve harsh treatment.
In "The Old Counters." the ending 1 dlsflppointlng; a serious blot on the construction of the tale. The old Countess herself Is a fine portrait, reminding one of some of the paintings of Sargent. My Knemy," By Willa Cather. is a novelized short story that finally appeals chiefly to one's curiosity. The enemy is either one's mate or oneself.
I was not sure of this, until I heard authoritatively which it was. Alas, I have forgotten. This is of course worth reading; but it ia not so well-written as the author's "A Lost Lady." and it is Inferior in every way to "The Professor's House." "Show Boat," by Edna Ferber, 1 one of the best novels of the year, though it is not so fine a story as Big," which gave Its author an enviable place in contemporary literature. It Is, however, a contribution to the social history of America, and is plctor-ially splendid. "The Romantic ROY C.
JARVIS 903 Water Street Phone 2852 Sales and Service Headquarters For Port Huron Body and PHONE 413 BARD r- 117 street render Works 2482 Watch Us Grow Just a Few Steps off JIuron Avenue A I Sixes and Eights (Color 'CJomlbioiatioiLTis Willys-Knight offers distinctive ensembles of rare taste and beauty In appointing this new local connection, we have kept in mind that the owners of Paige cars are best served through dealers who have the three fundamental Cs Character Capability, Capital Our new representatives here are in full agreement with our conviction that the foundation of a greater Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company must rest on the confidence of the public in our integrity and ability as manufacturers! They have pledged themselves to build with us upon this solid foundation," stone by stone! You will find improved Paige sixes and eights on display at this new location, and service facilities that measure up to Paige standards. We invite you to inspect these latest Paige models at these new headquarters, to consider their value, and to enjoy a demonstration Knight is a triumph of engineering. You enjoy the important exclusive advantage of the Willys-Knight sleeve-valve engine the only type of engine that definitely improves uith use Smooth, quiet and powerful at the very beginning, this famous engine grows even smoother, quieter, more powerful the longer you drive. By all means, be sure to see this improved, finer Willys-Knight at your earliest opportunity. Low, sweeping lines that establish the modern tendency in body design.
And now, your choice of many brilliant color combinations, both in lacquer and upholstery. Colors that are rich, harmoniously blended, lastingly attractive. From the mechanical standpoint, the improved Willys- WTe-KfJib S3x. $1295 to S149S. Will T-Kxigbi Great Six.
reduced prices $150 to $2950. Prior, f. o. factory mad specific, tlccis subject to change without aock. WTDys.
OrgcUnd, lac, Toledo, Ohio. mm KM' KAUMEIER MOTOR SALES 1504 MTXITART STREET ti sen Cuu. Elltea. JCrk. Tvttle, bwi Civ, Mfe.
TV. W. JLmts, M.itB. City, Mvk. 4- K.
Sriw fcoa, Ctw, Mr. Mr' Mr tnd.O. t. A. Fa.
Cnoii W. h. l. ir, nam. Mva.
PiM Brok- I Vtr. HieH..